Venkatesh then appeared in Ram Gopal Varma's road show Kshana Kshanam, aboard Sri Hindu deity, that was a fashion arbiter and have become a box workplace hit in its second run. In 1991, Chanti, a family drama, that was re-made in Hindi as Anari, aboard Karishma Kapoor, marking Venkatesh's movie industry debut.
each versions were box workplace hits. within the same year, he marked in critically acclaimed films like Shatruvu and Hindu deity IPS aboard player Vijayashanti. He then marked in Chinarayudu, another no-hit comedy. In 1995, He appeared in another movie industry flick Taqdeerwala, aboard Raveena Tandon. they need 5 no-hit films to their credit.[8] Venkatesh's association with player Soundarya registered essential and business successes because of the chemistry and performance of each actors.
He graduated with a Bachelors in Commerce from Ignatius of Loyola school, city and got his MBA from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, USA.[5] once his come to Bharat, he needed to induce into film production however instead, became AN actor in Telugu films
each versions were box workplace hits. within the same year, he marked in critically acclaimed films like Shatruvu and Hindu deity IPS aboard player Vijayashanti. He then marked in Chinarayudu, another no-hit comedy. In 1995, He appeared in another movie industry flick Taqdeerwala, aboard Raveena Tandon. they need 5 no-hit films to their credit.[8] Venkatesh's association with player Soundarya registered essential and business successes because of the chemistry and performance of each actors.
He graduated with a Bachelors in Commerce from Ignatius of Loyola school, city and got his MBA from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, USA.[5] once his come to Bharat, he needed to induce into film production however instead, became AN actor in Telugu films
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